Renewal through Beauty

  • Evangelization, thought a beautiful work of original and unique contemporary work of art for your facility

  • Community building - members of you community will have a visual and tangible, connection between their homes and your facility

  • Fundraising this process can fund itself and raise additional funds for other organizational needs

  • Culture building this process fund artist with a bulk sale to give them the financial freedom to concentrate on art making


  1. Reproduction for sale as fundraising

  2. Reproduction for use in your own gifts, publicity and branding.

  3. A combination of for in-house use and fundraising

Canvas and/or Paper prints - Different sizes / two tiers

  • Our price breakdown- Production cost x 3 =wholesale / x 5 = retail

  • Profit sharing break down - Production 20 % (cost) artist and sellers 40% each

  • Total reproduction run between 500-1500 (adjusted for community)

Decorative Quality reproduction i.e. Holiday, Thank You cards, Stickers, Prayer cards Max run 10K per item, per size to fit you goal. - Production cost depends of quantity as low as .10 per unit Artis cost is .15 cents per unit

Live Art Event - Art lecture, interview and/& Happy Hour included in process Event, Travel and hosting cost TBD

Process completed within 3 months costs can be funded though presale Artist retains copy write all other promotional can be produced with permission